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Reminders about Jesus

As I listen to politicians lean on their belief in Jesus to defend their horrendous policies and beliefs and advocate for Christian nationalism, I thought I’d mention a few facts about the man, at least according to their primary source document:

The Bible

I’m admittedly not religious, but I’ve read the Bible many times, cover to cover, so I know a little bit. You, too, can read about Jesus, and you don’t even need to read the whole Bible to do so. The books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John cover the life of Jesus, and they make up a tiny percentage of the Bible, so reading them won’t take long. And unlike the books of Ezekiel and Revelations, they are fairly easy to read.

Important facts about Jesus:

Jesus was Jewish.

He was very much a socialist—absolutely an anti-capitalist.

Jesus was homeless—a refugee, in fact, not unlike asylum seekers at the US border.

He was anti-death penalty. Anti-school prayer. Anti-violence.

He strongly opposed the accumulation of wealth.

He never spoke a word about homosexuality or same-sex marriage.

Also, Jesus was also not white. He was a brown-skinned Middle Easterner who wore sandals to the dinner table and hung out with tax collectors and sex workers.

Also, unlike our former Vice President, he could dine alone with a woman who was not his wife.