Extreme pogo stick (you must watch the video) is a reminder that the elevation and expertise of almost any activity can be appealing to the masses.

Find something you love. Then work like hell to excel in that thing. Or better yet, find a way to do it like no one has ever done it before.

The pogo stick has never looked so cool or been so entertaining. But taking something once seen as pedestrian and elevating it to something special is not new.

People have turned cup stacking into an art and sport.

Coney Island made competitive hot dog eating into a contest important enough to be covered on ESPN.

PechaKucha has turned PowerPoint presentations into battles of art and wit.

Bog snorkling, cherry pit spitting, chessboxing, and toe wrestling have all been made into competitions that attract sizable audiences.

Doodling, butter sculpturing, reverse graffiti, and light painting are all relatively new but greatly appreciated and respected art forms.

When I was writing my first novel, I discovered that lock picking is a highly competitive sport with an entire community of enthusiasts.

Back in 1997, The Moth turned storytelling into a competition.

Thank goodness for me.

Though storytelling is very much an art and significantly difficult to judge objectively, some storytellers win far more often than others. So although the competitions are admittedly imperfect, the best storytellers – over time – win more often and become known for their skill and expertise.

Like poker, the best ultimately rise to the top.

And it’s only been through my success at The Moth that I was first recognized by corporate America, business owners, universities, magazine editors, filmmakers, advertisers, attorneys, the clergy, and many others as someone who could assist them in their endeavors. My speaking and consulting career would not exist today had someone not decided to elevate storytelling beyond something once only done informally around the dinner table, the campfire, the occasional salon, and between friends.

Find something you love. Then work like hell to excel in that thing.

Or better yet, find a way to do it like no one has ever done it before. Turn something previously pedestrian and make it extraordinary.

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