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I experience many good, very good, and even great moments in a day.

Eating my Egg McMuffin every morning is a legitimately great moment for me (followed by the saddest moment of almost every day when breakfast is over).

Listening to a student say, “Oh, I get it now!” is just as great as an Egg McMuffin.

Maybe even a little better.

Staring at Elysha is pretty fantastic.

Absorbing the full body hugs of my children upon arriving home from work might be the best moment of almost every day.

There are the little things, too. Those smaller, less significant moments that are also quite lovely:

Offering much-needed advice to a colleague. Purchasing stock on the dip. Listening to a cat who has planted himself on my lap purr. Discovering that a meeting has been cancelled. Helping my kids with their homework. Capturing an audience’s attention with a story. Removing a bit of clutter from our home. Reading a collection of scintillating sentences. Managing to write a few scintillating sentences of my own.

Sometimes we are lucky enough to capture one of these moments of perfection with a photograph.

Yesterday was one of those days.