New Yorkers, it’s not funny and it’s stupid

Dearest New Yorkers,

I love your city dearly. I spend as much time in your boroughs as possible. I’m a rabid fan of the New York Yankees despite having grown up near Boston. I couldn’t imagine living more than a couple of hours from your great metropolis.

I love New York.

But also this:

Every joke about tourists blocking your sidewalks, staring at your buildings, stopping for photos, and slowing traffic is lazy, stupid, and disingenuous.

Every single one.

New York City profits enormously from tourism.

$19.3 billion in tax revenues alone.

The city would be economically hobbled without it.

So shut up, New Yorkers. Every permutation of that stupid tourist joke and whiny tourist complaint has already been made.

It’s not funny. It’s never been funny.

Worst of all, it’s already been said at least 19.3 billion times.

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