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Museum of Endangered Sounds

The Museum of Endangered Sounds is a website dedicated to preserving the sounds made famous by my favorite old technologies and electronic equipment.

Dot matrix printers. Dial-up internet. The Windows 95 startup music.

All the sounds of my past, as well as the sounds of pasts before my time.

Clever idea. I’m happy that someone has chosen to preserve these sounds for future generations.

For my part, I would like to see (or hear, I guess) the sounds of:

  1. The tone signaling a television channel has gone off the air for the night (preceded by the Star Spangled Banner)
  2. The sound that Q*bert makes when hopping from cube to cube
  3. The hum of a cassette tape rewinding inside a cassette player
  4. The clatter of a VHS tape landing in a large bin of tapes at Blockbuster
  5. The thump of car locks being triggered from the driver-side door
  6. The beep of an in-school film projector, signaling a teacher or student to change the image
  7. The blare of a telephonic busy signal
  8. The thunk of the dial changing channels on a TV without a remote