Latest mystery

Cleaning up last night, I found this on the table.

Kind of aggressive. Don’t you think?

Do not touch it.

Do not look at it.

And maybe don’t put it back on the shelf? Or definitely pt it back on the shelf? It’s hard to tell. Not the best sentence ever written in terms of clarity.

I’m impressed by the editing, though. The spelling of “touch” was clearly corrected, and it appears that “back” was originally written as “pack,” so some proofreading was likely done once it was finished.

It’s also punctuated properly. I’d like to see a capital letter at the start of the first sentence, but otherwise, not bad.

The strangest part of this note is the signature. We’re in the midst of the global pandemic. No one has entered our home since early March. There are only four people in the home. Does Clara really think that she can conceal her identity by signing this as “the drawer”

Equally mysterious:

What the hell is this? Is there a picture on the reverse side that she doesn’t want us to see? Is it some kind of test to see if her demands will be followed? Also, what shelf is she talking about? There are no shelves in this room.

What the hell is my daughter up to?

I’m not sure if I’ll ever know. I adhered to the demands on the note and did not touch it, so if there was a drawing on the opposite side, I didn’t see it.

The Mary Celeste, the lost Roanoke colony, and the JFK assassination are all mysteries that plague me to this day.

Also, did Denise Best really like me in seventh grade or was she just using me for my snack money?

But this is a mystery that I don’t need to solve.