Sometimes you need a coach

Almost two decades ago, a friend named Tom tossed a set of golf clubs into the back of my truck — purchased at a garage sale for $10 — and told me I was going to start playing golf.

Until then, I had rejected the game, seeing it as elitist and stupid.

Tom’s gentle nudge changed my life. I will be indebted to him forever.

Today, I love golf. One of my favorite things is spending time in the glory of the outdoors, bag strapped to my back, climbing rolling hills alongside my closest friends, and doing something incredibly hard.

For the first 15 years of my golfing career, I was a below-average golfer—terrible for a long time. I learned by doing, watching my friends, listening to the occasional tip, and endlessly practicing on the range.

I went from atrocious to bad to very below average. One friend told me, “If I played like you, I would’ve quit long ago.”

But three years ago, I decided to take lessons from a professional named Troy—someone who could play the game well and understood how to teach it exceedingly well. Troy combined excellent pedagogy, constant feedback, and technology into a package that changed my game forever.

Today, I am a blessedly average golfer. This past summer, I broke 90 for the first time—twice. I still don’t hit the ball nearly far enough, and the driver remains my nemesis, but I have beaten Tom four times this year — four times in a row — which is something I could not do for the first 15 years I played with him.

Today, I routinely score bogies and pars on the golf course. Even the occasional birdie. I never thought it would be possible.

Sometimes, you need an expert to show you the way.

This is why I’ve decided to launch Storytworthy’s first Mastermind. As we prepare to launch the new, expanded, and much-improved version of my Storyworthy for Business course, I began thinking:

This course is outstanding for people willing to learn independently — watch videos, experiment, practice, and improve at their own pace.

But what about those who want or need an expert—someone who does the job well and knows how to teach exceedingly well—to guide them along the way?

What about those storytellers and would-be storytellers who need a Troy?

That is why I am launching the first semester of the Storyworthy Mastermind — an opportunity for a dozen people to spend six months learning to tell stories alongside someone who does it well and knows how to teach it well — me.

By joining my Storyworthy Mastermind, you will receive more than 20 hours of group and individual instruction, weekly video and email updates and lessons, an invitation to a community of like-minded people to help you along the way, my brand-new Storyworthy for Business course (which will serve as our curriculum), and a one-year membership into Storyworthy’s VIP program, giving you access to every course I have and will produce.

If you’re looking for a more guided approach to learning to tell stories — complete with individualized instruction and constant feedback — this Mastermind may be for you.

Registration opens soon.

Click here to join the waiting list, be one of the first to learn about the Mastermind in detail, and have the opportunity to join.

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