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How you spend every day is how you spend your life.

Curious about how you’ll view the breadth and depth of your life when you’re much older and looking back?

Wondering how satisfied you’ll feel with they way you spent 2021 as the world rings in 2022?

Annie Dillard said it best, I think, in The Writing Life:

“How we spend our days is of course how we spend our lives. What we do with this hour and that one is what we are doing.”

That really simplifies things quite a bit. Doesn’t it?

The way you spend today is probably a close approximation of the way you spent yesterday, and it’s probably a close approximation of the way you’ll spend tomorrow.

Pile up enough of those yesterdays and tomorrows and you’ll have a year, a decade, and a lifetime.

The ways you choose to spend your time today and the decisions you make over the course of this day are probably indicative of the life you are leading and the life you will have led when it’s all over.

Wondering if you’ll feel pride and satisfaction in the life you’re living in years to come?

Ask yourself how you’re spending today.

How you spend every day is how you spend your life.

Thank you, Annie Dillard.