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It’s easy to think that in our polarized environment, people from opposing viewpoints can’t possibly reach across the aisle, change their minds, and find common ground.

But that’s not always the case. Happily so.

Here’s a recent exchange between a reader and me that may give you some hope for a better day.

It certainly gave me hope.

I’ve changed the person’s name to protect his identity.


Dear Matt,

I was enjoying this book (Someday Is Today: 22 Simple, Actionable Ways to Propel Your Creative Life) that I recently purchased until you started attacking people that didn’t want vaccines or didn’t embrace being mandated to wear a mask. This is a free country. It has been proven masks were not effective and getting a vaccine didn’t prevent the spread of covid and now we are also seeing the harmful side effects of the vaccine. I think you’re a powerful writer but I’m really disappointed that you included this opinion in your book and are attacking people like this. Don’t think I’ll be purchasing any more books now.


Dear John,
Do you pick up every book with the expectation that you and the author will be in complete agreement over all things?
Is a single opinion of an author in a book that you admitted to enjoying mean that nothing I say could possibly have value?
Are all of your friends in complete agreement with you on all things? And if not, do you stop being their friend?
If so, then I fear that my other books may also disappoint, as I often express my opinions on things since that is the point.
Maybe try my novels. Those stories are invented, so my opinions aren’t stated so blatantly.
Or you could continue to read my books with the more than reasonable acknowledgment that we won’t always agree but might still have something valuable to offer.
Either way, I wish you luck on your creative journey. I’m rooting for you.

Dear Matt,

That’s a good point. Nothing wrong with some differing opinions. Appreciate the response. Will continue reading.

All the best,

Dear John,
I can’t thank you enough. I receive many emails, tweets, Facebook messages, and more from readers almost every day. Many are annoyed, angry, and outraged at me for something I wrote.
Having written six novels and two books of nonfiction, plus two columns for magazines and a blog post every day for 20 years, I’m bound to annoy and offend people from time to time.
Being included in a successful lawsuit against Donald Trump that went all the way to the Supreme Court didn’t help.
I try to be kind when responding despite the vitriol I often receive. I try to reach out. But their responses are so often angry. Threatening. Worse.
It’s so rare for someone to read, consider, and change their mind.
It’s impressive. And deeply appreciated.