Elysha’s Tiny Love Story

Elysha wrote a Tiny Love Story a couple of years ago for the New York Times.

It wasn’t accepted, but it should have been.

So, instead of appearing in the Times, I get to post it here instead.

Lucky me.

Outside of school, it’s easy to be overcome with stress and worry. But at school, 14 beautiful little people require my full attention. They need me to be at my best, to be at ease, and put them at ease. I teach them to read their first word— I — and they beam with pride reading little books that say, “I play, I read, I write.” We learn about the number zero and take turns holding zero unicorns, zero rainbows, zero hamburgers. Guiding their learning lets me focus on what’s joyful. I am thankful I get to spend my days with them.

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