Charlie sold his first joke

Charlie recently noted the silliness of the tee shirt pocket, which I found both astute and amusing.

Onstage last week, I told his joke — failing to assign him any credit —so I only thought it fair that I purchased the joke from him, as comics do sometimes.

When I told him that I’d like to buy it from him the next day, he immediately made me an offer.

“Ten dollars!” he said.

“Deal!” I said.

He laughed. “I can’t believe it. I’ve found an infinite money hack!”

I explained that his “infinite money hack” only worked if his jokes were good and buyers existed for them.

He’s tried to sell me three more since that first purchase.

So far, no sale. The jokes were funny but specific to him and the moment.

But for the first time in his life, he’s made money from something he has written, which is a big deal.

I was 17 when I made my first profit as a writer by writing term papers for my classmates, so he’s got a five-year jump on me.

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