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Feeling good about cats

I believe in being kind to yourself.

Celebrating achievements.
Honoring sacrifices.
Telling yourself that you’ve done a great job.

When I see our boys, Tobi and Pluto, sitting together like this, I give myself an enormous pat on the back. I remind myself of how much good we have done for this world.

Tobi and Pluto are brothers who emigrated from Egypt and now share a home with us.

Tobi was very ill when he was born and nearly died more than once. In the words of his Egyptian kitty fairy godmothers, Tobi was “saved from the hug of death” at least two times.

They really didn’t think he would survive.

Pluto actually required CPR two years ago to restore his life when stones in his urethra elevated his potassium levels and stopped his heart. In order to prevent this from happening again, Pluto underwent the very expensive, feline version of gender reassignment surgery.

Two brothers, whose mother was rescued from the streets of Cairo, born in a shelter half a world away, now living with human beings who love them dearly, and who love us just as much.

If you’ve ever taken in a rescue pet like our boys, pause for a moment and congratulate yourself on bringing an astounding amount of happiness and joy to this world. Credit yourself for doing something incredibly righteous and good. Feel great knowing you have offered safety and bliss to your small, furry friends.

The lives of Tobi and Pluto would’ve been very different had someone not rescued their mother from the streets and found these two boys a loving home in America.

I can’t begin to imagine what their lives might’ve been like. Frankly, I don’t want to imagine. I love them too much to even begin to ponder that fate.

Instead, I remind myself of how much good we’ve done taking these wonderful brothers into our home and making them a part of our family.

Celebrate your achievements.
Honor your sacrifices.
Tell yourself that’s you’ve done a great job.

I do so every time I see our happy, healthy, mischievous cats enjoying their day.

Be kind to yourself and do the same.