I’ve heard a lot of people talk about the value of learning to be bored.

Kids, they say, need to learn to be bored from time to time.

I don’t understand this concept at all.

I haven’t been bored in a billion years. I always have something to do, something to think about, something to process, something to make, someone to call, something to see, something to learn about, something to read, something to solve…

Sometimes, I simply allow my mind to wander. I ponder, wonder, reminisce, remember, reflect…

None of this is boring. None of it is close to boring.

Why should anyone learn to be bored with so much to do?

I think the opposite. People should avoid being bored at all costs. Life is too precious and wondrous to ever be bored. People should learn the value of thinking, wondering, processing, seeing, listening, and learning.

I tend to think that bored people are boring, and that — being boring — should be avoided at all costs.

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