Best kind of friendship

I am blessed with so many great friends. I consider myself lucky to have so many amazing people in my life. My friends are truly precious to me.

Each friendship is different in many ways, but the type of friendship I adore most is the one where teasing and tormenting are an integral part of the relationship. Insults, pranks, and other stinging barbs hurled both ways are the bedrock for a solid friendship.

These tend to be the closest, most trusted friendships, at least for me. When you can tease a friend without fear of hurting their feelings, you have something special.

Which is why I sent this text to my friend, Jeni last week:

“I hit my 200th workout on my exercise bike today and received this email when I finished. Somehow, I thought it would annoy you to know that my bike thinks I’m unstoppable, too. So I decided to send you the screenshot.”

My unstoppable, relentless, optimistic, exceedingly confident, worry-free existence sometimes annoys Jeni.

Maybe you, too.

I was sure this email would annoy Jeni.

Sadly, it did not. She wrote back:

“Ella and I heard your message aloud in the car and cracked up.”

I’ll need to try harder.

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