At a book talk, I was asked about the recent banning of books in stupid places by stupid people.

My answer:

The same people who are banning and support the banning of books have placed phones in their children’s hands, giving them access to every damn thing ever placed on the internet — vile, horrendous, violent, sexual, predatory content accessible with just a few clicks.

These book-banning cretins don’t care about the welfare of children. They only care about scoring political points.

If they were truly worried about the corruption of the youth, the last thing they should worry about is a book.

The internet is a billion times more corrosive and dangerous to a child than a book could ever be.

Book banners are political hacks. Disingenuous monsters. Power-hungry hypocrites.

We don’t have a book-banning problem in this country. We have a lying, scheming, self-serving politician problem, along with a whole bunch of toady know-nothings who blindly follow these politicians without any critical thinking.

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