When to revise?
Danny (an old high school friend, perhaps?) asks: When you write, do you draft everything quickly and then rewrite it later, or do you craft each sentence until it is…
Danny (an old high school friend, perhaps?) asks: When you write, do you draft everything quickly and then rewrite it later, or do you craft each sentence until it is…
My buddy, Tom, started a Fans of Something Missing group on Facebook last week. It’s already got about forty members, even though most of them have yet to read the…
One of the challenges of writing, at least for me, is how to divide my time, my attention, and my energy. Holding down a job as an elementary school teacher…
For anyone interested in some fun reading check out: The 7 Greatest Stories in the History of Esquire Magazine Esquire’s list of the Seven Best First Sentences of 2006 Esquire's…
My book popped up on Amazon.com last week, available for preorder. I have a Google alert set up for my name, and last Tuesday, it alerted me to the novel’s…
Brian, via email, asks: Can you tell me how the writer-agent relationship works? How did you go about finding an agent? First, please keep in mind that I can only…
This evening, I attempted to open an Amazon Connect account, which would allow me to link this blog to the Amazon page where Something Missing will be sold. It sounds…
Since you have to pay for the archives of many newspapers, my previously mentioned article, Two Divorces Too Many, which was re-titled by some newspapers and magazines, was difficult to…
Penelope Pudding (a genius pseudonym) writes: Do your books evolve as you write them, or do you know how they will end in advance? Interesting question. As you probably know,…
An acquaintance of mine met with her divorce attorney today to begin the sad proceedings that will bring her marriage to an end. Included in the informational packet that she…