A stranger’s love is worth more
I found an amazing review of UNEXPECTEDLY, MILO online today, courtesy of my Google Alert. One of my favorite paragraphs reads: “Why I LOVE this book (and author): Matthew Dicks’…
I found an amazing review of UNEXPECTEDLY, MILO online today, courtesy of my Google Alert. One of my favorite paragraphs reads: “Why I LOVE this book (and author): Matthew Dicks’…
What the hell has happened to bedding? Sometime in the last decade, normal bed linens; sheets, comforters, and blankets, exploded into a vast array of decorative pillows, piled one atop…
A while ago, I posted a list of all of the previous addresses of my lifetime. I’ve added to it since the original posting for today. I know. Not terribly…
I passed on an offer to play golf after work today in favor of coming home to enjoy a picnic in the park with my wife and daughter. I passed…
Unsolicited advice is the best kind of advice that you can receive. I was speaking to a friend about how sensitive people can be when it comes to suggesting alternative…
There’s a billboard that I drive by almost every day that reads: What Have You Done For Your Marriage Today? Pictured on the billboard is this image: Billboards featuring…
The cover art for the German version of UNEXPECTEDLY, MILO arrived today, and though I adore the cover art for the US version, I think I love this design just…
When I was in middle school, kids still enjoyed a before-school and after-lunch recess. Two recesses in a single day is uncommon at any school nowadays. Any recess at the…
All of my New Year's resolutions pertain to personal goals that, if achieved, will yield a happier, healthier, more financially successful version of myself. Not a single speck of altruism…
CHICKEN SHACK should be done by the end of the week. After allowing myself fifteen minutes to bask in the joy of finishing another book, I will begin revising. I’m…