How I found my literary agent
I spent this past week visiting the Lucy Robbins Welles Library in my hometown of Newington and the Portland Library in Portland, CT. Both events were very well attended, and…
I spent this past week visiting the Lucy Robbins Welles Library in my hometown of Newington and the Portland Library in Portland, CT. Both events were very well attended, and…
In an effort to achieve my yearly goals, I post my monthly progress here. Below are my sixteen New Year’s resolutions and my progress thus far. 1. Lose seventeen more…
You know what you don’t see much of nowadays? The monocle. You know, the single eye piece adorned by nineteenth century capitalists, German military officials, Karl Marx, The Penguin, and…
For fans of The Office (and if you’re not, what’s wrong with you?), I have recently become aware of some trivia that will blow you mind. Of course, it might…
My new favorite animal: Termites Why? They never sleep. While almost all animals sleep, termites do not. In fact, not only are they able to avoid the stupidity of sleep,…
I’ll be speaking this evening at the Lucy Robbins Welles Library in my hometown of Newington at 7:00. Topics for the evening will likely include my first novel, SOMETHING MISSING,…
When did the word room get replaced with the utterly pretentious and overblown word space? A substitute teacher entered my classroom a couple days ago and said, “This is a…
There's an iPhone application called iQuote which is essentially a database of thousands of quotations from famous and intelligent people, and one by Angelina Jolie which I am surprisingly fond…
Earlier this year, the Spirit and Opportunity rovers, which are still sending images back from Mars, celebrated their sixth anniversary on the red planet. The mission was slated to last…
Am I the only one who finds it tragic that the number of people in the world who can define the Malachi Crunch diminishes daily? Rocco and Count Mulachi. Pinky…