Fresh veggies? Bah!
I’m currently re-reading MINDLESS EATING. It’s a compelling and eye-opening book about how our eating decisions are often impacted by unconscious and seemingly innocuous factors. Last week I learned an…
I’m currently re-reading MINDLESS EATING. It’s a compelling and eye-opening book about how our eating decisions are often impacted by unconscious and seemingly innocuous factors. Last week I learned an…
I don’t ever plan on dying, but if I did, I would hope to die without too many regrets. A palliative care worker recently wrote about the top five regrets…
Elysha: You know that you shouldn’t wash the whole container of strawberries at once. Right? If you do, they will spoil faster. Just wash the strawberries that you’re using. Okay?…
A story on NPR told of artist Justine Gignac, who packages New York City garbage into plexiglas cubes and sells these cubes for a profit. He began his venture in…
Things finally make sense to me. A survey of 1,000 Iraqi teens reveals a surprising effect of living in a war torn country. It seems that when faced with an…
Elysha and I decided to share a shake at dinner tonight. “Would you like one glass and two straws?” the waitress asked. “No,” Elysha said. “We don’t need to do…
I can’t stand the fashion industry. Even though I readily admit to watching Project Runway (for the creativity and problem-solving on display and not the fashion), the whole industry makes…
Does anyone else find this social dance bizarre and insulting? The concert seemingly comes to an end, the band steps off stage, yet the lights in the theater remain low.…
The OED announced it’s list of new words this week. Here are some of them, including a few thoughts of my own: chill pill- a notional pill taken to make…
Based on surveys collected by Christie Barnes, mother of four and author of The Paranoid Parents Guide, the top five worries of parents are, in order: Kidnapping School snipers Terrorists…