Friends don’t let friends post creepy video messages on the Internet to women half their age

And just like that, Emma Stone is suddenly the least fortunate starlet in Hollywood. Carrey claims that the video was supposed to be funny and was made to promote his…

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The office jerk. Death by television. The curse of the agreeable worker. All good news for me.

Three recent studies that bode exceedingly well for me, and perhaps for you. Study #1  Research published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior found that people who are regularly stressed out…

Continue ReadingThe office jerk. Death by television. The curse of the agreeable worker. All good news for me.

Author Laurie Halse Anderson and I have eerily similar mindsets. Except I think the universe wants me dead.

Author Laurie Halse Anderson, at a recent SCBWI conference, spoke to would-be writers about what she called Attitudes You Want to Grow in Your Soul. The title is a little…

Continue ReadingAuthor Laurie Halse Anderson and I have eerily similar mindsets. Except I think the universe wants me dead.