Three important writing lessons, as described by my three-year old daughter
My daughter is only three years old, and yet I can already see the exacting eye of an editor in her. She cannot read yet, but as she watches television,…
My daughter is only three years old, and yet I can already see the exacting eye of an editor in her. She cannot read yet, but as she watches television,…
In our ongoing efforts to improve our dog’s behavior comes this minor miracle: Following the advice of our outlandishly affordable behaviorist, I set up a crate yesterday in hopes of…
Maybe people find pleasure in complaining. Maybe they need to justify their own problems by projecting them upon others. Perhaps some people simply lack perspective. I’m not sure. But when…
Tonight I am grateful for the fifteen minutes that we spent driving to the dealership in order to pick up my wife’s car. Clara, who refused to nap this afternoon…
Two weeks ago I thought my brother, Jeremy, was dead. A week ago, he reappeared in rather dramatic fashion after a five year disappearance. Last night Elysha, Clara and I…
We spent yesterday morning celebrating the birthday of one of Clara’s friends at an indoor gym filled with outdoor play equipment. It’s actually a clever concept. All of the equipment…
Tonight I am grateful for the Bissell SpotBot, which has saved our cat’s life on numerous occasions, including today. Owen is prone to vomiting, as cats are wont to do,…
There is a policy in my classroom that requests submitted in writing receive greater consideration than those that are not. Also, the quality of the writing has a direct impact…
Tonight I am grateful for the Cadbury Crème Egg. It is a perfect piece of candy in terms of its components, composition, and seasonality. And I take the consumption of…
In regards to my crusade to ban infants from all movie theaters comes this small update: It would appear that AMC Loews closest to my home (Plainville, CT) has policy…