New York girl
I love this photo of my daughter. Taken by her grandfather aboard a NYC bus two weeks ago, I love how she looks like such a little girl and such…
I love this photo of my daughter. Taken by her grandfather aboard a NYC bus two weeks ago, I love how she looks like such a little girl and such…
Tonight I am grateful for the reappearance of Baby Cow. Baby Cow is one of my daughter’s favorite little people toys, and she has been missing for almost two days.…
Want a convenient, simple want to charge your iPhone on the go? How about this? It’s called AIRE. It’s a device that allows the user to utilize the force of…
I saw this tweet by Amy MacKinnon (@AmyMacKinnon) today. Lately, I'm finding it difficult to listen to the news. Then I think of how it must have been in the…
Mathematicians and scientists are often undeservedly assigned nerdy, frail, reputations, and I fear that this perception may steer some students away from these disciplines in school. As a teacher, it…
There are many decisions to make when it comes to your children and the Star Wars franchise. When should a child first watch Star Wars? In what order should a…
Tonight I am grateful that my brother, who reappeared from the dead a month ago, is still alive and well. Tonight he and a friend came to our home for…
Clara was playing with some large, rubber dinosaurs in the museum’s toddler room. She had a triceratops (her favorite dinosaur), an apatosaurus (formerly known as a brontosaurus when I was…
Who are the idiots who haven’t figured this out yet?
My daughter freakin’ loves dinosaurs. I don’t know if this is normal for little girls, but if it is, please don’t tell me. I’d like to think that it’s highly…