If you’re going to ask one question in an interview, perhaps it should be, “Tell me about your parents.”

There’s an adage about entrepreneurs that goes like this: The more skin you have in the game, the greater your commitment. In other words, the greater the personal risk that…

Continue ReadingIf you’re going to ask one question in an interview, perhaps it should be, “Tell me about your parents.”

Close Encounters of the Third Kind: A great movie tragically marred by Steven Spielberg’s failure to engage in unprotected sex.

I’ve been watching Close Encounters of the Third Kind again. I have always thought of this film as flawless. Slate’s Bill Wyman recently watched all of Spielberg's films and rated…

Continue ReadingClose Encounters of the Third Kind: A great movie tragically marred by Steven Spielberg’s failure to engage in unprotected sex.