A motorcycle, The Omen, a coin thief, a teenage love triangle and an escape from our home: The stories of my childhood babysitters

It has been a while since my sister and I have written anything together, but we write a blog about our childhood called 107 Federal Street (our childhood address). Kelli…

Continue ReadingA motorcycle, The Omen, a coin thief, a teenage love triangle and an escape from our home: The stories of my childhood babysitters

The author’s brand: Which approach is best? And please don’t say whichever approach feels best to you, because that is annoying and not at all helpful.

I have been debating the best way to present myself to readers for a long time, and with plans of launching a podcast this summer in addition to the blog…

Continue ReadingThe author’s brand: Which approach is best? And please don’t say whichever approach feels best to you, because that is annoying and not at all helpful.