Just when everything was going so well…
The video below is perfect example of life with two children as opposed to one: When one child is happy, something can go tragically wrong with the other one. Not…
The video below is perfect example of life with two children as opposed to one: When one child is happy, something can go tragically wrong with the other one. Not…
Earlier in the week my wife and I brought the kids to a perfectly lovely children’s museum called Imagination Nation. It’s actually one of my favorites. My daughter could spend…
Congratulations to Sheree Gillcrist, whose name was randomly selected from a pool of more than 100 respondents who were kind enough to offer ideas for the name of my forthcoming…
After two months of begging and pleading to “help feed Charlie,” I finally allowed my three year old daughter, Clara, to give him a bottle. The first photograph was…
I thought this was a joke. I assumed that it was a satirical outlook on the creative hazards of product placement. As an author who has been accused of product…
Not about many things, but about this: “Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.” I’ve always hated this definition. I wouldn’t call it…
Last month, in conjunction with our upcoming anniversary, I shared some posts I had written about our wedding in 2006. Those posts originally appeared on a blog that no longer…
I loved this quote from a New York Times opinion piece by Oliver Burkeman, who has a book coming out entitled “The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can’t Stand Positive…
Last month, in conjunction with our upcoming anniversary, I shared some posts I had written about our wedding in 2006. Those posts originally appeared on a blog that no longer…
My father-in-law has somehow made my little boy look a lot older than his smidgen-over two months. I swear he does not look this grownup yet in real life.