When do I write? In the cracks between my toddler’s poops and my wife’s contractions.
Two years ago, I spoke at a nursing home about my most recent novel. I take any gig that I can get. In a sparsely furnished basement room, standing in…
Two years ago, I spoke at a nursing home about my most recent novel. I take any gig that I can get. In a sparsely furnished basement room, standing in…
My last name has not always been the easiest thing to live with. It’s resulted in teasing, the occasional crass joke and even a smattering of confusion when people over…
Do violent video games result in an increased level of violence among young people? It's easy to say yes. It seems to make sense. It allows us to direct our…
He’s not talking yet, but this might be better than actual words.
A piece by Drake Baer in Fast Company entitled Slacking At Work Is A Controversial Productivity Tool--So Is There A Better Way? opens with this sentence: More and more of…
Spite A desire to impress my wife (and before that, the desire to impress girls) The fear of poverty The need to create something that will last beyond my lifetime…
The Illinois board of tourism created this video in honor of Abraham Lincoln and the attention he will be receiving at the Academy Awards this evening as a result of…
On Thursday I had the honor of speaking to a large and enthusiastic audience at the Townsend Public Library in Townsend, Massachusetts. MEMOIRS OF AN IMAGINARY FRIEND was chosen for…
A kind but somewhat questionable reader wrote to me today and said: Please please please tell me you have written some more books - or at least one!!!!! I’m strongly…