107 Federal Street back in business
My sister and I write a blog together about our childhood called 107 Federal Street (our childhood home address). It’s my underhanded way of mining my sister for stories about…
My sister and I write a blog together about our childhood called 107 Federal Street (our childhood home address). It’s my underhanded way of mining my sister for stories about…
Please mark your calendars! Our next Speak Up storytelling event will take place on Saturday, September 28 at 7:00 PM at Real Art Ways in Hartford, CT. We are currently…
For a long time, I have claimed that spite is one of the best reasons to do anything. I’ve cited examples in which authors and scientists have used spite to…
I bought my wife a cookbook for Mother’s Day. It was a book that my daughter and son were going to give her as their gift. I was extremely proud…
I live in a perpetual state of existential crisis. Though I may have been born this way, I suspect that two near-death experiences and an armed robbery that left me…
I’m listening to Roger Ebert’s memoir and loving every minute of it. The two best pieces of writing advice that he was ever given (forgive me for forgetting the…
As a teacher, I often find myself in the position of telling a parent (most often a father) that it is a bad idea to encourage his or her child…
A friend called to tell me that he had given my name as a reference on a recent job application. “If they call you, please be nice,” he said. “Why…
I am not exactly a Trekkie. I’ve seen all the Star Trek films and many of the television series, but I have serious problems with the show. That said, this…