More like six percent
A friend called to tell me that he had given my name as a reference on a recent job application. “If they call you, please be nice,” he said. “Why…
A friend called to tell me that he had given my name as a reference on a recent job application. “If they call you, please be nice,” he said. “Why…
I am not exactly a Trekkie. I’ve seen all the Star Trek films and many of the television series, but I have serious problems with the show. That said, this…
A reader posted this drawing on Twitter that I loved. It’s a picture of Budo, the protagonist of MEMOIRS OF AN IMAGINARY FRIEND, and his friend, Graham. I can’t tell…
I’ve often said that my father was born 100 years too late. My father was a cowboy in ever sense of the word. When I was a child, he spent…
Today is the paperback release of MEMOIRS OF AN IMAGINARY FRIEND! Since my first two novels were originally published in trade paperback, this is my first actual paperback release. It’s…
Our inaugural Speak Up storytelling event took place at Real Art Ways in Hartford, CT on Saturday night, and Elysha and I couldn’t be more pleased with the results. Thoughts…
British author Ian Martin offered 60 thoughts on turning 60 years-old. The whole piece is excellent. Here are a few items that I especially loved:__________________________________ 20. A pre-internet world is…
On the day of his assassination, Martin Luther King Jr. had a pillow-fight in his motel room. I love this. I’m so happy that he was able to experience such…
Another reminder from my daughter: “Jumping is fun. You should jump more.” She’s right. Jump before you can’t jump anymore.