Rules on how to be a man, which should not include anything related to physical appearance or handcrafted firearms.

A list of more than 75 ways to be a man in today’s world recently gained some traction on social media last week (as lists are wont to do), and…

Continue ReadingRules on how to be a man, which should not include anything related to physical appearance or handcrafted firearms.

The Today Show has cornered the market on young, white, blond, female kidnapping victims. You should stop watching.

The Today Show did a segment yesterday entitled Hannah’s Story. As soon as I heard the promo for the segment at the opening of the show, I knew that the…

Continue ReadingThe Today Show has cornered the market on young, white, blond, female kidnapping victims. You should stop watching.

Is your marriage destined for success? Rate you and your spouse using these indicators.

Researchers from Rice University and the University of Nebraska—Lincoln analyzed data collected from more than 5,000 couples in order to find out how similar political beliefs were among spouses, and…

Continue ReadingIs your marriage destined for success? Rate you and your spouse using these indicators.

Unfair assumption #17: If you lie, conceal or refuse to divulge your age, I will automatically assume the worst.

If you lie, conceal or refuse to divulge your age, I assume that you’re probably about ten years older than you look and probably lack self esteem. Also, could we…

Continue ReadingUnfair assumption #17: If you lie, conceal or refuse to divulge your age, I will automatically assume the worst.