Carte Blanche Summers: My first column
Look what showed up at the house today! Seasons magazine, and my first column, entitled Carte Blanche Summers. The magazine publishes in four different markets (soon to be six), which…
Look what showed up at the house today! Seasons magazine, and my first column, entitled Carte Blanche Summers. The magazine publishes in four different markets (soon to be six), which…
Saturday was a good day for me. It began with the first performance ever of “Caught in the Middle,” the tween musical written by writing partner, Andy Mayo, and myself.…
Samuel L. Jackson has a clause in all his movie contracts stating that he gets two days off a week to play golf and the producers must pay for it.…
A recent post to my children on a blog that I’ve written to them everyday since my wife became pregnant with our daughter: The summer is here, little ones, and…
When my children become adults, they will watch the historical footage of Fox News and wonder what the hell we could possibly have been thinking. I will remind them of…
But no one tell my son. It’s too cute.
Will Saletan lists six reasons why support for capital punishment is evaporating in the United States. All six are perfectly valid, and I actually agree with all of them, but…
We took our son to his first baseball on Father’s Day, heading over to New Britain Stadium to watch the AA Rock Cats take on the Trenton Thunder. We took…
It may not come as a surprise to you that for a fee, high school and college students can employ writers at a paper mill to ghostwrite essays and term…
One of my favorite things in all this world is watching my wife dance. At a recent family wedding, I had the chance to spend a lot of time dancing…