Let’s put an end to the Miss America pageant by making anyone who watches it feel small and stupid and uninformed.

John Oliver’s takedown of the Miss America pageant on HBO’s Last Week Tonight was brilliant. The Miss America pageant is admittedly an easy target, but Oliver’s segment is both surgical…

Continue ReadingLet’s put an end to the Miss America pageant by making anyone who watches it feel small and stupid and uninformed.

I have never used an em dash. I don’t even know how to make an em dash. But you can still find them in my books.

Noreen Malone of Slate argues against the em dash. The problem with the dash—as you may have noticed!—is that it discourages truly efficient writing. It also—and this might be its…

Continue ReadingI have never used an em dash. I don’t even know how to make an em dash. But you can still find them in my books.

This short film presents a situation that is both ridiculous and reality. And that scares the hell out of me.

It’s astounding how rapidly the selfie and social media have interlocked to become a ubiquitous, ingrained, and inexplicably accepted aspect of American culture. Does a film like this awaken people…

Continue ReadingThis short film presents a situation that is both ridiculous and reality. And that scares the hell out of me.

While my son was joyously climbing aboard fire engines and tractors, my daughter and I were engulfed in tragedy and heartache.

My son loved Touch-a-Truck. There were dozens of trucks to climb onto and into and around. It was his own personal nirvana.      My daughter loved Touch-a-Truck for about 30…

Continue ReadingWhile my son was joyously climbing aboard fire engines and tractors, my daughter and I were engulfed in tragedy and heartache.