Today will be one of the hardest days of parenting so far. I know I’m lucky in this respect, but there is still a hole in my heart.

My daughter is sick. Her kindergarten class has a field trip to the pumpkin patch today. She’s going to miss the trip. Last month she was also sick. She missed…

Continue ReadingToday will be one of the hardest days of parenting so far. I know I’m lucky in this respect, but there is still a hole in my heart.

Don’t say goodbye to the bride and groom. Just leave. Let it be your final gift to them.

Slate’s Seth Stevenson argues in favor of not saying goodbye. Ghosting—aka the Irish goodbye, the French exit, and any number of other vaguely ethnophobic terms—refers to leaving a social gathering…

Continue ReadingDon’t say goodbye to the bride and groom. Just leave. Let it be your final gift to them.

I began the day as a depressed and angry idiot. I ended the day with laughter and rainbows and sunshine. Literally. The lesson: Don’t give up hope.

Bad start to the day. Arrived at my friend’s house, 40 minutes from my home, having forgotten without my ticket to the Patriots’ game. It requires an incredible amount of…

Continue ReadingI began the day as a depressed and angry idiot. I ended the day with laughter and rainbows and sunshine. Literally. The lesson: Don’t give up hope.

My son cracked his head open with a lamp. My wife’s reaction to his head wound was unusual but surprisingly typical.

Our boy pulled a lamp down onto his head last night, necessitating a trip to the emergency room. A little glue and some Steri-Strips, and he was fine. He’ll have…

Continue ReadingMy son cracked his head open with a lamp. My wife’s reaction to his head wound was unusual but surprisingly typical.