Presidential Job Application Question #5 (with my answer): What experience have you had that will serve you well as president?

Slate's John Dickerson recently published a piece entitled:The Presidential Job Application: Seven questions we should ask anyone who wants to become President.Over the course of the next seven days, I…

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Presidential Job Application Question #4 (with my answers): What’s your greatest governing triumph?

Slate's John Dickerson recently published a piece entitled:The Presidential Job Application: Seven questions we should ask anyone who wants to become President.Over the course of the next seven days, I…

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Presidential Job Application Question #3 (with my answers): What’s your greatest political triumph?

Slate's John Dickerson recently published a piece entitled:The Presidential Job Application: Seven questions we should ask anyone who wants to become President.Over the course of the next seven days, I…

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Presidential Job Application: Question #2 (with my answer): What's the biggest personal crisis you’ve faced and how did you handle it?

Slate's John Dickerson recently published a piece entitled:The Presidential Job Application: Seven questions we should ask anyone who wants to become President.Over the course of the next seven days, I…

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The Perfect Comeback of Caroline Jacobs: An expletive-laced mention in Library Journal

Library Journal - the journal for librarians everywhere - mention my upcoming novel with some surprisingly explicit language. But in a good way. I'm thrilled, of course. After my wife and children…

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Presidential Job Application Question #1 (with my answer): What’s the biggest crisis you’ve faced in your professional life and how did you handle it?

When I was in high school, I played a game in a character building workshop that required my classmates and me to assign a monetary value to our future dreams and priorities.…

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Marco Rubio: You can’t claim to be young when your ideas are as old as dirt.

Marco Rubio is 44 years-old. He's exactly my age. He also opposes same sex marriage. Opposes legalized marijuana. Doesn't accept that climate change is man made. Doesn't accept the theory of evolution. The list goes…

Continue ReadingMarco Rubio: You can’t claim to be young when your ideas are as old as dirt.