The next time you see or hear a story about the British royalty, I suggest this response:

Look, it's a story about Kate Middleton, the possibly American woman married to one of the British princes (I say possibly because I'm not certain of Middleton's nationality and refuse to spend even…

Continue ReadingThe next time you see or hear a story about the British royalty, I suggest this response:

Don Featherstone was an interesting man for at least two reasons. Also, the mysteries of 57 and matchy-matchy remain unsolved, and it’s really bothering me.

Don Featherstone passed away last month. He was known for two fairly remarkable things:1. He was the creator of the pink plastic flamingo that adorns so many American lawns even…

Continue ReadingDon Featherstone was an interesting man for at least two reasons. Also, the mysteries of 57 and matchy-matchy remain unsolved, and it’s really bothering me.