A whiskey ad, made by two amateur filmmakers, did this to me.
Every now and then I run into something that zeros in on my eternal flaw - my inner crack - and tears it wide open. This ad will hang on…
Every now and then I run into something that zeros in on my eternal flaw - my inner crack - and tears it wide open. This ad will hang on…
If ever there was a real life person who represented my fictional aesthetic, it's this man. Quirky, odd, and yet surprisingly appealing.
I was standing in a hallway, waiting in line for my flu shot, when a colleague walked by."Are you getting a flu shot?" I asked her."I'd like to," she said.…
Watch my most recent TEDx Talk, "Homework for Life," below. In this talk, I discuss a simple strategy - stumbled upon accidentally - that you can use to slow down time, find…
I'll be speaking at TEDxNatick at the Natick High School in Natick, MA on January 23, 2016. The conference begins at 9:30 AM and wraps at 3:30 PM. Lunch is provided.…
I assumed that this sign was a fake when I saw it, but no. It's real. It's also both shocking and refreshing. As a person who would like to believe…
These may not seem like big deals, but they are. The world is oftentimes far too uninteresting a place, thanks to the inability to communicate with verve and aplomb.The wasted…
Passion Natural Water-Based Lubricant, in a 55 gallon container could be yours for $1,175.82 from Amazon. Two day shipping available (though I pity the UPS driver who needs to bring…
I am not a famous person, regardless of what a couple of my friends may insist. I am not even close to being famous.I am not even fame-ish.I've had the…
The latest episode of Boy Vs. Girl, a podcast about gender and gender stereotypes, is available now. Listen here or subscribe at iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts.If you'd like…