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“Antiracist Baby” is lovely

Thanks to Texas Senator Ted Cruz’s criticism of the book “Antiracist Baby” at the recent Supreme Court hearings for Justice Brown Jackson, I purchased the book from one of my favorite indie bookstores.

It turns out I wasn’t the only person who purchased the book recently. Thanks to Cruz’s disparaging of the book, sales jumped 869% in the two weeks following the hearings, boosting the book back onto bestseller lists.

I hope he finds reason to hate one of my books in the future. I’d love an 869% bump in sales.

I read the book today, which offer a set of principles for the antiracist. It turns out that nothing about this book is controversial in any way. It offers nine steps to making equity a reality. Ideas like:

Open your eyes to all skin colors.
Use your words to talk about race.
Celebrate all our differences.
Point at policies as the problem, not people.
Believe we shall overcome racism.

Real controversial stuff. You’d need to either be an idiot or a scumbag to read this book and find anything wrong with it.

Perhaps Ted Cruz can give it another read the next time he turns tail and flies to Cancun while his constituents in Texas literally freeze to death because the Texas power grid is falling apart.

Then again, Donald Trump said that Cruz’s wife is ugly and suggested that Cruz’s father had played a role in Kennedy’s assassination, but Cruz still supported the man (after calling him “utterly amoral”), so perhaps the principles in this book – or any principles whatsoever – are beyond his small minded comprehension.