I occasionally see a person wearing a mask while driving their car.

I’ve also seen people wearing masks walking down an otherwise empty sidewalk.

Recently, I saw someone wearing a mask while watching a Little League game.

I never question anyone wearing a mask in an indoor space. They may be sick and wearing it for my protection. Their immune system may be compromised in some unfortunate way. They may suffer from a heart condition that would make contracting COVID especially dangerous for them. They may simply be trying to avoid long COVID, which can be devastating to those who are dealing with it.

I can envision many reasons for wearing a mask indoors.

But admittedly, wearing a mask alone in your car, outdoors on an uncrowded sidewalk, or the sidelines of a baseball game seems a little silly.

But “a little silly” is as far as my mind ever goes.

Wearing New York Jets paraphernalia or carrying a handbag emblazoned with its brand name seems more ridiculous than wearing a mask alone in a car.

I’m also a person who believes in personal liberty and leaving people the hell alone when their behavior does not impact my life negatively or unjustly.

I think most of us feel this way.

However, a certain type of human being exists who becomes irrationally angry when they see a person wearing a mask in a car, on a sidewalk, or at a baseball game.

They see this unexpected mask-wearing behavior and, for reasons that escape me, lose their damn minds.

It’s weird.

It’s also incredibly stupid. Wearing a mask in a car has no discernible impact on anyone other than the driver, yet some people—thankfully a minority—become offended, upset, annoyed, or even angry at the sight.

I feel terribly for these angry little monsters. It can’t be easy being so small-minded, prickly, insecure, irrational, and illogical.

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