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A poem to avoid trouble by speaking the truth

My Excuses

I left the garage door open overnight

For not the first time

But only because

I was distracted by

Your gentle sigh as you turn a page in a book

The easy gravitational fall of your head on my shoulder while sitting side by side on the couch

The way The Beach Boys make you smile

and my irrational jealousy over the way The Beach Boys make you smile

The way you rub the back of my neck while I drive

Not because I like it

but I do

But because you want to touch me

I think.

I was distracted, my love, by the way people are happier when you are in the room

The way you commingle seemingly random bits of food in the refrigerator into a meal fit for a king

Or queen, because fuck the patriarchy.

I was distracted by the hint of upper thigh beneath that black slinky tee shirt you wear to bed.

So yes, I left open the garage door last night, but really, you were to blame

But I forgive you.