A measured response

Back in 2014, I wrote a post about why Disney’s Amber had every right to despise her step sister, Sophia the First.

And I stand by that position today.

I wrote at the time:

Sophia and her mother live alone. There is no father in the picture, and his absence is never explained. Sophia’s mother then marries King Roland, and Sophia instantly becomes a princess. Roland already has two children, Amber and James. Their mother is also inexplicably missing.

As a result of the marriage, Amber and James become Sophia’s step siblings.

As a way of welcoming Sophia into the family, Roland gives Sophia the Amulet of Avalor. This amulet allows Sophia to call on any prior Disney princess in time of need. It also allows her to speak to animals and grow a mermaid tale and swim like a fish.

Because that makes sense.

So think about it:

Amber was Roland’s motherless princess daughter long before Sophia appeared, yet Roland chose to keep the most powerful magical amulet in the world stuffed in some drawer until his new stepdaughter came along, then he gave it to her.

If I were Amber, I’d be angry, too.

Five years after writing that post (and about two weeks ago), someone stumbled upon the post while scouring the Internet and responded with this comment: