A lot to say about a sign

I saw this sign above a urinal in an office where I worked.

It’s a weird sign.

First, I was standing at a urinal, but the sign features a traditional toilet, so not exactly a match.

Second, I don’t think a picture is required. Words alone would make the point and be a lot less graphic.

Third, what is going on with the silhouette’s arms? Is he supposed to be leaning slightly back, hands on hips, admiring his penis? Are his hands on the small of his back, arching slightly forward to stretch while peeing?

Either way, who pees like this?

No one, as far I as know.

Fourth, the red bar running through the circle that typically advises to avoid a behavior is doing some heavy lifting here, serving as a traditional negator but also obscuring the silhouette’s penis because — follow my logic here —  implying the existence of a penis is permitted but actually showing the silhouette of a penis is not, even though you could only be looking at this sign while your own penis is exposed.

Also, if shown, it would’ve been the silhouette penis, so not exactly explicit.

Yet, it remains hidden.

Then there are the brilliant additions to the silhouette, done in both black and red ink, causing me to wonder:

  1. Were these additions made by the same person?
  2. Were they added on the same day by someone who happened to have a red and black pen on hand while peeing? Or did this person first use the black pen in their pocket then return later with a red pen?
  3. Or best of all, could this be the work of two different people? Community art, done by two men peeing while creating?

I know. It’s a lot for a simple sign advising vulgarians not to pee on the floor, but these are the things I think — and obsess over — while moving through the world.

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