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I first learned to drive using an automatic transmission. But shortly after getting my license, a girlfriend taught me to drive a manual transmission, and I loved it. I found that it afforded me considerably more control of the car and made driving a far more active experience.

Also, it was priceless in a snowstorm.

So for years, I tried to buy cars with stick shifts whenever possible.

Over the years, that became more and more challenging. Only 2% of vehicles sold today are equipped with manual transmissions. Sadly, it’s likely that the stick shift will one day be obsolete to the average consumer. Teaching Clara and Charlie the joy of driving with a stick shift might turn out to be impossible and pointless.

Last week I purchased a new car – the ninth car that I’ve owned over the course of my life. This car doesn’t even have a shift – manual or automatic. Instead, the transmission is governed by buttons on the dashboard.


Press a button and you’re in reverse. Press another and the car is in neutral. Press another and you’re moving forward in drive.


I’m certainly not opposed to change, and I yearn for the day of self-driving cars, but buttons?

I’m not a fan.