RIP Uncle Larry

Elysha’s great uncle Larry passed away on Tuesday.

I’ve known Larry for more than 15 years. Whenever I had the opportunity to spend time with him, he asked lots of questions and listened carefully, which are the indisputable signs of a decent, intelligent, caring human being.

Larry was a teacher. An artist. A husband and father.

Larry always said the same thing to me when we met:

Someday you and I are going to sit down and talk about storytelling. Books. Writing. Teaching. All the things we both love so dearly.

We never did.

We enjoyed snippets of conversation about these things. Occasional outbursts of thought and inquiry at holidays and family gatherings. Not nearly enough.

The world is short one teacher and one artist today. It’s short a beloved husband and father.

The world is short one decent, intelligent, caring human being.

There’s never enough time.

We never make enough time.

How very stupid of me.

Rest in peace, Uncle Larry.