Join internationally bestselling author and 36-time Moth StorySLAM and 5-time GrandSLAM champion Matthew Dicks for the launch of his first non-fiction title:
Storyworthy: Engage, Teach, Persuade, and Change Your Life through the Power of Storytelling.
Saturday, June 16, at 7:00 PM at Real Art Ways in Hartford.
In lieu of a traditional book launch party, Matthew will perform a one-man show comprising five BRAND NEW stories with short lessons after each story (right from the book!) designed to make you a better storyteller.
Following the show, Matthew will take questions, sign books, and give away prizes.
The evening will be emceed by Elysha Dicks.
Live music performed by Shoulda Coulda Woulda.
Books will be sold in partnership with Barnes & Noble of Blue Back Square, West Hartford.
The show is PG-13, so teens are welcome.
Beer, wine, and snacks will be on sale courtesy of Real Art Ways.
Tickets are just $5, and all proceeds from ticket sales will go to fund educational programming at Real Art Ways.