This is a real thing:
When it rains, slightly fewer people attend our Speak Up shows.
Also, when it rains, fewer people go to the theater. The movies. Even restaurants do less business when it rains.
The same holds true for frigid temperatures. Even the mercury plummets below 20 degrees, people are far more likely to remain at home.
How sad. How incredibly, stupidly, sad.
Just imagine:
In an effort to minimize their discomfort during the time it takes to pass between their front door and the car, and their car and the front door of the restaurant or theater, a person will stay at home rather than going out for a night of entertainment and camaraderie.
In order to eliminate the 2% of the evening that will be uncomfortable, people prefer to stay home and watch television or go to bed early. They are willing to forgo the 98% of the night that could’ve been fun because a tiny sliver of the night would’ve been less than perfect.
That is not the kind of person you want to be. That is most definitely not the kind of person your past or future self wants you to be. Just imagine how disgusted your teenage self would be at this behavior. Imagine how angry your 90 year-old self will be to know that you have missed out on scores of possibly memorable evenings because of rain or the cold.
The next time you find yourself saying, “It’s raining. Maybe we should stay home tonight,” please follow that sad, ridiculous statement with, “What am I saying? What kind of weak, shortsighted, stupid person am I? Am I really going to sacrifice a night on the town because I might get wet between the front door and the car?”
If the answer is yes, prepare yourself for the avalanche of regret that will surely overwhelm you when your opportunities for evenings out at the theater or the restaurant are fewer and farther between.