“I’ll do the salmon” is stupid. I might be, too.

Elysha and I were having dinner in a restaurant last week. The couple at the table beside us was ordering their meal.

The woman said, “I’ll do the salmon.”

Can we all agree that this is not how regular human beings order food?

I’ll “do” the salmon? 

“I’ll have the salmon.”
I’d like the salmon.”
“Could I have the salmon, please?”
Even “I’ll try the salmon,” would be fine.

Not “I’ll do the salmon.” Never “I’ll do the salmon.”

Why? It just sounds stupid. Self important. Pretentious. It’s the use of an action verb that has nothing to do with the actual action taking place. 

That woman would not be “doing” the salmon. She wasn’t going to catch, filet, prepare, bake, or deliver the salmon to the table. Her entire involvement with the salmon was limited to saying the word “salmon” and then eating the salmon.

While someone else was “doing” the salmon, she would be sitting patiently, sipping wine, nibbling on some bread, and presumably making every attempt to avoid nitpicking tiny language choices that mean little and interest no one because that might make you sound like a stupid jerk. 
