Football hurts me. Serious injuries. Still, who wants to play tackle football with me?

With the exception of an annual teacher-versus-student annual flag football game, I have played football exactly twice in five years despite my desire to play much more often.What I really…

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Boy vs. Girl: Episode 11 – New Year’s Resolutions, Driving, and I WAS GROPED ON THE POLAR EXPRESS!

Episode 11 of Boy vs. Girl features a discussion of New Year's Resolutions (and Rachel's ridiculous resolution), the question over whether men or women are better drivers, and the story…

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BCE and CE

When writing the date, I've started adding the abbreviation CE after the yearCE stands for Common Era. It's the non-religious version of AD. January 16, 2016 CE01.16.2015 CE16-Jan-2016 CEI can't tell…

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