Paul Ryan has called the Democrat recent sit-in “a publicity stunt.”
This was stupid thing to say.
I am a Democrat, but I also can’t stand bad communication and poor messaging. Despite our political differences, Paul Ryan needs me.
There were highly effective ways of responding to the Democrats’ sit-in strategy, but calling it a publicity stunt was not one of them. Ryan is in an interesting position at the moment. Thanks to Donald Trump, he is perceived by many as a fairly rational Republican who would be much more palatable than Trump. Regardless of what happens with the Presidency, he has an opportunity to take a serious leadership role in this country in the minds of Republicans and many independents. More importantly. he has a chance to reach across the aisle and become a dealmaker.
Instead, he calls the Democrats strategy “a publicity stunt.”
If I was a Democrat, here is what I would’ve said in response to Ryan:
“Paul Ryan has called our sit-in a publicity stunt.
Was Rosa Parks refusal to sit at the back of the bus a publicity stunt?
Were the lunch counter protests by the Friendship Nine a publicity stunt?
Was Martin Luther King’s march on Washington a publicity stunt?
Was Gandhi’s hunger strike a publicity stunt?
Were Betty Williams and Cezar Chavez and Nelson Mandela engaged in publicity stunts?
Come down to the well of Congress, Mr. Ryan, and tell the great John Lewis to his face that this is nothing more than a publicity stunt. And while you are at it, turn the C-SPAN cameras back on. Turning them off was the act of a coward who is afraid of what the American people might think if they could witness our protest. Only villains fear the clear light of sunshine.”
The Democrats are just as foolish for not making this argument (unless they did and I missed it), and I’m more than willing to help them as well if they want to hire me.
I promise you, Congressional and Senate Democrats, that I could craft a powerful, effective, cohesive, and inclusive message for your party as well. And I’m always quick with a stinging comeback.
But here is what Paul Ryan should have said:
“I admire my Democratic colleagues for their passion and perseverance. I disagree with them on their positions regarding gun control and cannot stand by as they attempt to erode the Constitutional rights of Americans, but I can certainly acknowledge the strength of their conviction, as misguided as it may be. Unfortunately this is not the way to pass legislation, and it hasn’t been the way to pass legislation for more than 200 years. We have rules and procedures that allow for lawmakers to vote on bills, and these rules and procedure have helped this Republic to stand strong when so many have faltered. I understand their frustration. I understand their desire to push forward their agenda. But there are agreed-upon ways of doing this, and this sit-in is not one of them. Congress cannot and will not operate under mob rule. ”
This was the statement that you should’ve made, Paul Ryan. It would’ve been measured, thoughtful, convincing, and effective.
It also doesn’t run the risk of implying that people like Rosa Park and Martin Luther King were engaging in publicity stunts. Ryan is lucky that I am not running the messaging apparatus of the Democrats or I would’ve blasted his “publicity stunt” statement to smithereens.
And I’m ready to help. Even though I am a Democrat, I would be more than willing to assist Paul Ryan. We need Republicans willing to make deals and legislate, and if working for Paul Ryan helps to make that happen, I’m ready to assist.
In fact, I tried to reach out to Paul Ryan a couple weeks ago to offer my services but can only send him an email if I live within his district. I was unable to contact him.
His loss. Sincerely. I would kick ass at messaging and communications for these politicians.
If you’re smart, hire me. I will cost you a fortune, but I will help to craft an effective, compelling message that works.