1. Don’t die.
Not even close to dead.
2. Lose 20 pounds.
Still seven pounds down. 13 pounds to go.
3. Do at least 100 push-ups and 100 sit-ups five days a week.
4. Practice yoga at least three days a week.
My shoulders feel good for the first time in a long time. Yoga refresher will hopefully be scheduled for April.
5. Complete my fifth novel before the end of February.
Final work is being completed on the book. It’s due next week.
6. Complete my sixth novel.
I have two novels that are more than halfway finished and one that is finished but requires a re-write. One of these may become my sixth novel. Maybe not.
7. Write a middle grade novel.
This project will commence once the novel is finished.
8. Write at least three new picture books.
I’ve begun writing a new picture book with one of my students.
9. Complete a book proposal for a book on storytelling.
The book is outlined, and most of the proposal is written. I need to write two sample chapters to complete the proposal. Work on this will begin once the novel is complete.
10. Write a new screenplay
No progress yet.
11. Write a musical for a summer camp
I’m in the process of outlining the musical so my partner can begin work on the songs,
12. Publish at least one Op-Ed in The New York Times.
No progress yet.
13. Publish an article in an educational journal.
No progress yet.
14. Submit one or more short stories to at least three publishing outlets.
No progress yet.
15. Select three behaviors that I am opposed to and adopt them for one week, then write about my experiences on the blog.
I spent a week backing my car into parking spots (which initially struck me as insane). I am still writing about my experience now.
16. Increase my author newsletter subscriber base to 1,000.
I gained 14 subscribers in March and 42 since the beginning of the year. My total stands at 954.
If you’d like to subscribe, you can do so here:
17. Collaborate with a former colleague on an educational book.
This project has been cancelled. After meeting with my collaborator, we determined that I am not best suited for this project.
18. Produce a total of 12 Speak Up storytelling events.
We produced one show at Kingswood Oxford School March, bringing our total number of Speak Up events to three.
19. Deliver a TED Talk.
Done! I spoke at TEDxNatick in January on the topic: Live Your Life Like Your 100 Year-Old Self. Here’s the recording:
I will also be speaking at a TEDx conference on April 23 at The Country School in Madison, CT.
20. Attend at least 15 Moth events with the intention of telling a story.
I performed in a Moth Mainstage show at the Brooklyn Academy of Art and competed in a Moth GrandSLAM in Somerville, MA, bringing my total number of Moth events in 2016 to four.
21. Win at least three Moth StorySLAMs.
I did not compete in a StorySLAM in March. No wins in 2016.
22. Win a Moth GrandSLAM.
Done! I won the Moth GrandSLAM in Somerville in March.
23. Launch at least one new podcast.
I’ve chosen the next podcast and determined the format. It will not be launched until after the novel is complete.
24. Launch a storytelling project that I will otherwise remain vague about here but will become a primary focus of 2016.
Work does not begin on this project until the novel is complete.
25. Host at least one Shakespeare Circle.
No progress.
26. Learn to cook three good meals for my wife.
No progress.
27. Plan a 25 year reunion of the Heavy Metal Playhouse.
No progress.
28. Replace the 12 ancient, energy-inefficient windows in our home with new windows that will keep the cold out and actually open in the warmer months.
No progress.
29. Optimize our television for a streaming service.
Likely a summer project.
30. Set a new personal best in golf.
No golf was played in March, though the time to start playing is now.
31. Play poker at least six times in 2016.
I have a game of poker scheduled in April with friends.
32. Do not speak negatively about another person’s physical appearance except when done in jest with my closest friends.
Done. March was free of negative speech about another person’s physical appearance.
Honestly, this is not a difficult goal. Everyone should adopt it.
33. Post my progress in terms of these resolutions on this blog on the first day of every month.