Boy vs. Girl: Episode 2 – Insult Culture, Female Sports Fans, and the Need for Snuggies

The topics for this week's episode include: The difference in the way men and women insult each otherFemale sports fansBathing suit bottoms Please consider subscribing to Boy vs. Girl in the iTunes…

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There are saboteurs in your organization, purposefully damaging productivity and morale. Here are 16 ways to spot them.

In their new book, Simple Sabotage: A Modern Field Manual for Detecting and Rooting Out Everyday Behaviors That Undermine Your Workplace, Robert M. Galford and Cary Greene examine the "Simple Sabotage…

Continue ReadingThere are saboteurs in your organization, purposefully damaging productivity and morale. Here are 16 ways to spot them.

The most difficult (and possibly inappropriate) question asked on book tour thus far

If you've ever attended one of my author talks, you'll know that I encourage strange, difficult, inappropriate, and challenging questions during the Q&A portion of the evening.I even award a…

Continue ReadingThe most difficult (and possibly inappropriate) question asked on book tour thus far