Last month I competed in a Moth StorySLAM at The Bell House in Brooklyn (and won!).
Mashable was there, shooting a story for their website. The result is a beautiful look at The Moth and all it does for the art of storytelling.
It was also great to see StorySLAM manager and storyteller Robin Wachsberger featured in the video. Robin is a fixture at almost every Moth StorySLAM and GrandSLAM, ensuring that things are running smoothly and the event is trouble-free. Seeing her always puts me at ease, and you couldn’t ask for a more supportive person of storytellers.
Audience members may not notice all that Robin does, but storytellers do, so it was nice to see her thrust into the limelight for this video.
I’ve also heard Robin tell stories on the stage, and she is an equally great storyteller.